What seemed like a well thought out of plan of ordering two Dect phones online to save shipping cost returned more than she bargained for. It made perfect sense. Buy the two phones on sale, sell one back at cost and keep the other one.
What wasn't in the plan was selling your house keys to the buyer in the exchange. It took about 5 seconds before SS realized she left the keys in the bag with the phone... calling the buyer yielded no result when he offered to sell the plastic bag recyclable bag back to her and drove off with the keys.
With no keys, she was locked outside and couldn't return home. The resourceful Cheekmunk tried all sorts of ideas. From opening the door with a credit card to prying the windows open with something sharp. At one point, she even brought out the ladder to attack the house from the roof... or at least it seemed that way.
Alas, all was not lost. Almost 2 hours into the the ordeal, our heroic city police arrived to save the day. Couple with a Humble Bee, the courageous Cheekmunk was able to travel across the city to retrieve her keys.
It was a happy hour for her afterward, and an even happier Humble Bee.
Thanks my humble bee for saving the day.