Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fail In Progress

SS and I were buying some baby clothes for our upcoming preggo friends at Children's Place.

The cashier, in broken and terrible English, asked us whether we want to sign up for a Reward card for 10% off. (It sounded like an okay deal. How bad could it be, right?)

I went to grab more baby clothes to maximize the 10% additional savings... and came back to find Sweetest turning red and fuming. The cashier was asking her for her passport, her driver's license, her credit card and various pieces of personal identifications.

How odd... what kind of reward card needs that many pieces of personal IDs. I asked her to cancel the application, and she insisted we continue since she's already given so much info already. Hmm...

The cashier calls her HQ and asks for approval... Er... something is terribly wrong. We asked what exactly we were applying for. Is it a credit card? Because if it is, we don't want it.

It was a credit card. GG. Good thing we checked and canceled the darn thing. At least we still got the 10% discount for all the trouble.

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